About Pres

PRES is a European scientific society for healthcare professionals in the field of paediatric rheumatology. Our mission is to:

Promote knowledge of paediatric rheumatic diseases

Stimulate research in this field

Disseminate knowledge through scientific meetings and publications

Provide guidelines and standards for good clinical practice

Provide guidelines and standards for the training of doctors and allied health professionals in the practice of paediatric rheumatology

Full membership is extended to individuals from all European countries, whether they are within the EU or not, and includes countries in the middle east. We also wellcome members from other parts of the world as associate emmbers to enrich the collective experience and knowledge.

We welcome every practitioner/researcher in the field of paediatric rheumatology, irrespective of their background specialities. In fact, we positively encourage a mixed background, as these people are able to contribute from a different perspective.

Council members are elected by the membership. There are a number of committees to address areas of importance to PRES members.

The education committee is concerned with training, accreditation and continuation of the education of paediatric rheumatologists.

The clinical affairs committee addressed issues of good clinical practice and dissemination of information.

The research committee fosters clinical and laboratory research by encouragement of young researchers, workshops and proposals for topics for discussion at scientific meetings.

The allied health professionals committee has the remit to bring together all allied health professionals and foster dialogue, standards of clinical practice and training.

The trainees committee is concerned with the interests of trainees in paediatric rheumatology.

We have regular input into the educational/scientific programme of the annual meetings of EULAR (European League Against Rheumatism), and are represented on the European Board of Paediatrics, which sets the standard of training of doctors.

The paediatric rheumatology international trials organisation (PRINTO) is based in Europe. Its chairman is a member of the PRES council and there is considerable overlap in the membership of the 2 organisations, thus facilitating good clinical research.

The national societies also have input into council via the chairman of the committee of nominated national representatives within EULAR.

Contact address:

Dr Michael Hofer

PReS Secretary

Unité d’Immuno-allergologie et Rhumatologie Pédiatrique Service de Pédiatrie, BH11 Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) CH-1011 Lausanne, Switzerland

Phone: +41 - 21 - 314 33 24; Fax: +41 - 21 - 314 35 58

Email: [email protected]